The song À contre-courant
À contre-courant was written by Mylène Farmer and composed by Laurent Boutonnat, like all the other songs on Mes courants électriques (2003) album. The lyrics tell a story of two lovers who for some reason are apart from each other.
The beauty of the lyrics is how the story is told. Nothing is said straight but Mylène used terms from physics and electromagnetism to describe the feeling that she (the main character of the song) feels when thinking about him. Well, that’s just one way to interprete the text as it’s very difficult to understand as is many of Mylène’s lyrics. This can be very fashinating as it gives your mind freedom to deal with the text as you wish. There is no one right answer how to interprete the text.
The music video À contre-courant
The music video was directed by Pierre Stine who is also the one to suggest the final shooting location, Triage-Lavoir de Péronnes. Pierre suggested the place as he had already filmed there before and knew the place. He originally found it by his brother. Pierre was very convincing when explaining why this location would be the perfect place for the video, explaining how the building would create strong contrast against the actress (Alizée) and with right lighting and set up, it would simply work.
The location was finally chosen and the result speaks for itself. The producer of the clip was a Belgian company called Blueberry. The name appears on the corner of the clip at the beginning, which has caused some false believes that it might be the name of the person who captured it from TV. The promotional VHS tape has a screen before the clip showing information about the clip and listing Blueberry as the production company.
When and where a strange but true story in their begining
In 2000, Mylène Farmer vs Boutonnat has assembled the songs and video ideas they felt appropriate for a young singer, the new star. They started the search for a female artist has entered the French charts - and they found Alizée, a contestant on the French television show Graines.
They wrote and produced the album Gourmandises and Mes Courants Alizée as Electriques. and top the biggest hit of Alizée, is "Moi ... Lolita" reached the top of the charts and she became the most successful singers of France that year. In 2001, the leading French newspaper Le Figaro published :as artist Mylène Farmer France's highest earning years, thanks in part to her writing, recording, and production of sound ownership clauses Alizée music, earnings of about 10.4 million €. | Euro
The image has been manipulated by Alizée and Boutonnat Farmer; She was allowed a few interviews of 20 minutes and a limited number of times an ad appears. In 2005, after two successful album and a tour, Alizée decided to break up with the duo has crafted his name was Farmer Alizee crabs and Boutonnat, to meet the musicians and different producers.
In 2014, Alizée has revealed plans to include a song named for the singer during her Blonde album. The song was written by Lionel Florence, tells the story of an obsessed fan. Alizée revealed in an interview that the song is meant to honor and respect to Farmer. Although the two are no longer working together, she said she was still a big fan of Mylène Farmer.?!?
- Watch Alizee story clip part 2 copy and paste secure key pass below for downloading the clip
- !8J4Fp38dX_GG446-bg2geCZySnLINDrtF38-Dg-FYwo
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