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Showing posts from December, 2009

Views the most controversial magazine covers

We’ve put together a collection of magazine covers that have stirred up controversy through the years. These covers can serve as object lessons for what to do and what not to do both with design and editorial. While some controversial covers have worked and sold more magazines, or won awards for the editors who made the decision to go to press with them, others were embarrassments that the publication had to either apologize for, or fire an editor over. Here are some of the most controversial magazine covers of all time post remix in a flash desktop Prezi application for easier to reading a post page with images.( via webdepot ) View prezi online : The most controversial stories .

Flash remix :The most controversial magazine covers of all time

The most controversial Magazine covers of all time. ( Show post page in flash online Prezi .) We’ve put together a collection of magazine covers that have stirred up controversy through the years. These covers can serve as object lessons for what to do and what not to do both with design and editorial. While some controversial covers have worked and sold more magazines, or won awards for the editors who made the decision to go to press with them, others were embarrassments that the publication had to either apologize for, or fire an editor over. Here are some of the most controversial magazine covers of all time. Feel free to suggest other covers that you think should be part of this collection. ( clipped and flash remix via webdepot ). PLEASE WAIT 20s FOR FLASH PLAYER LOADING ( click on Play arrow 3 seconds and select 10s to 20s to AUTOPLAY or manual click play button to shows pages.) Reading full post from