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Showing posts from November, 2008

Exclusive video assaults in real life you never seen before.

Dear friends and readers, I would like to shows you an exclusive article has been on the top " Hot-posts " on Yousaytoo community , this serial videos already still 3 months continuously on top hits. This is one of a main reason i recommended to you for read and watch right now .All video clips in this exclusive Yousaytoo journal was clipped so real with cell phone recorded by their teens assaillants. I also have received many messages and comments by Yousaytoo members, friends online,my blogger friends and readers tell about given password for watching those clips.I usually set storage public and shares files to everyone but so many visitors talking about problem private share on files hosting website . Therefor , i adding this new post to make most easy for all asked to watching this article. However, you may seen many real clips i will posted in the next ( very soon) a lot newest actions of teens i just collecting from those local sources. Here's a lin...

Your new way get traffic sure with Contestmachine, how to used.

Image via CrunchBase  Today, many bloggers struggle to run contests using the comments feature on blog posts, a contest or giveaway is a great way to drive new traffic to your  site and collect data from users. For example, let's say you want to poll for interesting links or story suggestions for your blog. Users are much more likely to respond to your request if you give them a chance to win a prize . It's a great way to get people to join our mailing list and we get more earnings from make money online programs, also . Now ,i recommend to you that everyone can do it easy by using a free service called " ContestMachine " makes it easy to run a contest or giveaway on your blog or website . ContestMachine makes it a lot easier, and with their widget you'll get many more entries,take a look to contestmachine live page and see how participation went up once the site started using the widget! Contestmachine's features. Track Progress While your promotion i...

The revenge way of teenager on video shares-real life.

THE WRONG EFFECTS on VIDEO SHARES of TEEN ASIAN . Part 1 The video shares had quite an effect on teen age to take aim something like to revenge ,whatever we called this was a wrong effect. The video clip , about four minutes long, was posted at the Web site asia categories and was widely copied and posted elsewhere on Vietnam- China - video sites. The clip was showed at the North-tian a province of Vn's nearest the China and Vn border between 2 countries. The clip begins with a girl talking very loud to the victim’s face and hitting her continiously , pulled her hair, slapped her in the face and all other assaillants started... Watch full video clip . The girl seen as victim to be in luck when a big-hearted man passenger was stopped quite this shame assault , if not they will take full assaults on the way victim fail down and has been nothing to wear. Remark : In the next clip Part 2 ,i will show another teen assaillant was assault a girl in their residence but the...